Go Fish Fitness - Rewards Sent & Store Open

It's official - all rewards from the Go Fish Fitness Kickstarter campaign have been shipped as of June 1st, 2017 and Print & Play packages have been emailed to all backers as of June 5th. We are done!

We are also proud to say that we have started to receive some feedback from our backers, and it has been awesome! We are thrilled to hear that people have been enjoying what we've made and would love to hear more. Please show us or tell us about your experience! Share on our facebook page, tag us on twitter or instagram, or leave a comment and become a fan at BoardGameGeek. However you would like to share, we would love to hear about it and share it!

Twitter: @TricornGames
Facebook: TricornGames
Instagram: TricornGames
BoardGameGeek: Go Fish Fitness

Available for Purchase

Go Fish Fitness is also now available for sale in our online store. We have a limited quantity of extra copies available from the print run which can be purchased - but once they are gone, they're gone! Currently we do not have plans to do a second printing at this time.

If you prefer to do it yourself, the Go Fish Fitness Print & Play version is also available, and provides files and instructions for printing Go Fish Fitness at home, or using a service such as Print & Play Games.

Once again, thank you everyone for your support - it was our pleasure to be able to build this for you.